hair care - long and silky hair naturally

How to have long and silky hair

Use only chemical free Shampoo and Conditioners.
Most shampoos contain Sodium Lauryl Sulphate ,a chemical used in wokshops to remove grease.
It can cause severe irritation to our skin and make the scalp extremely dry leading to dandruff or eczema.
Read the ingredients label and if it contains Sodium Lauryl Sulphate , do not buy it.
Use natural cleansers like green gram flour , shikakai or any herbal product.
Follow some simple hair care routine as below

1)Use only all Natural / herbal shampoo and Conditioners.

2)Massage oil(coconut ,olive,almond or any vegetable oil)into scalp and hair and keep for 1 hour. Use natural hair wash powder. Do not use shampoo without oiling your hair.

3)Do not blow dry hair !
(may sound too hard but it damages hair very badly)

4)Eat a diet rich in calcium and iron. (that is include egg,milk or youghrt and leafy vegetables and fruits in daily diet)

5)Keep hair clean and nourished.

5)Trim hair upto half inches every month to avoid split ends.

6)Giving a henna treatment once a month can be very rejuvenating for hair.

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