Dandruff causes and treatment

Natural dandruff treatment

Dandruff can be caused by many reasons.

  1. Excessive dryness of scalp ,
  2. deficiency of Zinc and BVitamins .
These are the 2 main reasons .
Taking Zinc and Vitamin B Complex tablets and Vitamin E capsules ( good brand ) will certainly help to get rid of dandruff.

Warm oil massage can provide relief for itchiness.

Most Anti -dandruff shampoos have zinc in it. But it also has Sodium Lauryl Sulphate which can dry out the scalp and promote dandruff formation.Moreover topical application has little effect if our body has a zinc deficiency.

So dandruff can be best treated with a diet rich in zinc  and B Vitamins ie, liver ,nuts ,eggs etc or taking a good multivitamin supplement.

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